A message from CVCA student, David Parker, who found RYLA to be incredibly beneficial.
Fellow Falls Rotarians,
I just received this from CVCA student, David Parker, who found RYLA to be incredibly beneficial. I wanted to  to put his note to me in the Spoke, so that other club members can see/know that our club's support for RYLA attendees really does make a positive difference in the lives of young people.
Roger Taylor

July 3, 2012

Dear Dr. Taylor,
I have recently finished all of the traveling I have planned to do this summer, and that entailed RYLA at Baldwin Wallace, ACAP(Accounting Careers Awareness Program) at Ohio State's Fisher School of Business, and FBLA Nationals in San Antonio. RYLA was the first of my trips, and I believe the lessons I learned there and the inspiration I took from there are a large part of what propelled me to win MVP at my accounting camp, and also become the first ever person from CVCA to win a top ten spot in the nation for FBLA as I was ranked 5th out of seventy state first and second place winners.

I just wanted to write you and thank you for the excellent, life-changing opportunity you provided me with. It was an experience Ill never forget and I never would have had it if you had not thought of sending me. Again I say thank you so much. I look forward to maybe presenting a presentation about the camp to Cuyahoga Falls Rotary.

David Parker